Capoeira is a kind of afro-brazilian game, combining dance, fighting movements and a bit of acrobatics, and it’s played two-by-two to a groovy music. We are a bunch of guys in Turku who practice the capoeira style Senzala, which was born in Rio de Janeiro in the 60’s. Our group, called Grupo Capossu, is under supervision of Mestre Samara (, who runs his own capoeira school in Amsterdam and the training’s are held by the more experienced trainers Marjo, Ronnie and Ida-Maria. Grupo Capossu provides classes for both adults and kids, beginners and more advanced, music classes, presentations, introduction classes in schools etc. Welcome to join anytime of the year!
More information about capoeira on wikipedia
Regular trainings (2024/2025)
Adults |
Monday: 19.00-21.00 | beginners | Teacher: Marjo Heinonen-Tuomi |
Wednesday: 20.30-22.00 | all levels | Teachers: Marjo Heinonen-Tuomi, Ronnie Snellman | |
Kids(2-6 years) together with parents | Saturday: 10.00-11.00 | all levels | Teacher: Ida-Maria Nilsson |
Kids (6-12 years) | Saturday: 11.00-12.00 | all levels | Teacher: Ronnie Snellman |
Snellmanin koulu (Koulukatu 8)
Prices (adults):
First time: free to try!
One time: 10€
Training fee per term: 110€ (includes membership fee)
Membership only: 20€ / year
Prices (kids, 2-6 years):
First time: free to try!
One time: 7€
Training fee per term 55€ (includes membership fee, 45€ for the following kids from the same family). Parents pay only membership fee (20€/year)
Membership only: 10€ / year / child
Prices (kids, 7-13 years old):
First time: free to try!
One time: 7€
Training fee per term 65€ (includes membership fee, 55€ for the following kids from the same family)
Membership only: 10€ / year
Account number (IBAN): Escola Senzala de Capoeira Turku ry. / FI66 5710 0420 6069 80
Contact info
For any doubts or questions please feel free contact us:
Marjo Heinonen-Tuomi, marjo.heinonen-tuomi(at) or 040-5652642
Ida-Maria Nilsson, idamjnilsson(at), or 050-3754270
Ronnie Snellman, ronnie.snellman(at) or 050-3543549