Viimeiset sisätreenit Snellmanin koululla ovat keskiviikona 17.5.2017. Sen jälkeen pidetään yhdet sisätreenit ja yhdet ulkotreenit viikossa syyskuuhun asti, seuraavasti:
Indoors training continue 24th of May in Workshop Studio, Brahenkatu 12, from 19.00 until 21.00.
Outdoor training in Kupittaa park (by the moose statue) on Sundays at 16.00, starting on 4th of June. You can buy a 10-times Summer training card for 60 euros. The card is valid for the indoors training, and those who buy the card can train for free in the park (Otherwise indoors trainings: 7 euros and park trainings 4 euros). The trainings are mostly held by Professor Diablo.